Optimal Clitoral Health
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Optimal Clitoral Health
The clitoris is dependent on hormones, pelvic floor muscles, nerve function and blood flow for optimal function.
Hormones: Consider localized vulvovaginal hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Pelvic floor muscles: Tight pelvic floor muscles can impact the function of the clitoris.
Nerve function: Tight pelvic floor muscles can compress or irritate one of the main nerves that innervates the pelvic floor.
Blood supply: Tight muscles are muscles that are not getting enough blood flow.
If you have clitoral pain, pain with sex, difficulty achieving orgasm, or inability to orgasm....there is help! Bring the downloadable handout at the top of this page to your next appointment with your healthcare provider, including the checklist below.
Healthcare provider checklist
examine the clitoris
assess clitoral hood mobility
assess the tissue health of the clitoris
assess the tone of the pelvic floor muscles